
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Academic Language Week 21 - Steroids

I personally do not like steroids and I don't believe steroid should be allowed nor tolerated in sports. It shouldn't be allowed because it's cheating and dishonest to the fans. In sports the player's primary job is to do their best but when their on steroid it bring out their very best. Some may not think it’s a problem because this time period that we live in, there be many accounts of people using steroids and at this pace it may seem like it going to become a tradition. I really wouldn't appreciate if I spent my hard earned money to watch my favorite athlete and I found out he/she was on steroids it would be sad. I don’t think steroid should ever be allowed in sports.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Romeo & Juliet Acts 4 & 5 Content Paragraph - Deaths

I think Romeo and Juliet died as a result of human error. Romeo was suppose to know about
Juliet faking her death but no one told Romeo so Romeo drunk a death potion to kill himself so he can be with Juliet. After killing himself, Juliet wakes up and kill herself because she sees Romeo died right next to her.This shows that they would die, literally for each other but they did all this to be with each other but the only thing they done was commit suicide.Honestly no one should die but it happens and I think neither Romeo or Juliet should die but according to the movie Romeo kill Tybalt. Killing no one is allowed to kill another but in that case I think Romeo should die as a consequence for killing Tybalt.

“Romeo & Juliet” Love Letter – Acts 4 & 5

Dear Juliet,

I love you, ever since I seen you at the ball, I feel in love with you. To see you in a tomb is shocking and I’m sorry, I should have been there with you and maybe this would never happen. For you Juliet I would’ve died and that’s with all the love I have for you .Why? What could I have done to prevent this my love? Like I say the last time this won’t be the last time we meet, we’ll see each other tomorrow in a better place and I promise my love I won’t leave again.



Wednesday, July 20, 2011

“Romeo & Juliet” Love Letter – Act 3

Dear Juliet,

I love you, and I’m the happiest person just because I’m married to you. I know we haven’t seen each other since our big night and I don’t want it to seem like that’s the only thing I want is sex because the only thing I want is you. I’m of going to be out of town for a while but I promise I’ll be back better yet I’ll come and see you but I can’t be seen in town since the death of Tybalt. I wish I was with you my love; I’ll miss you and I think about you all the time and I can’t wait to your beautiful face once again.



Romeo & Juliet Act 2 Content Paragraph - True or Forbidden Love

I think Romeo and Juliet are in true love but the fact that they can't have each other makes them want to have each other even more. At the ball, they kissed and had interset in each other before knowing who they were and who there family were. That night, they got married and that itself shows the desire that they have have one another and that they commited with each other and they want what they have to work. I think Romeo truly likes Juliet but they're young but that doesn't mean they don't love each other.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

“Romeo & Juliet” Love Letter – Act 2

Dear Juliet,

I love you, I truly do and I’ll do anything to show you the love I have for you. Every time I see your beautiful face it reminds every time why I’m in love with you. You’re everything I dreamed of and I’m glad were considering on getting married and I promise you a thousand times that you’re not making a wrong decisions. Our family won’t approve of it but they don’t need to know, it’s about us and whatever makes you happy then I’m happy. Once we get married then we can maybe tell our family but if you don’t want to then I’m fine with it but I want to be with and not apart from you.

